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The Salt Creek Coyotes

The sounds of howling coyotes, going crazy because of the smell of the sheep, run down the valley like a creek. A guy fishing trout has been listening them all afternoon in the rain. As he finds out about the cyanide capsules, that are laid out to kill the coyotes, he starts thinking about the gas chambers in Saint Quentin, USA, that were used to execute prisoners. Encountering a dead coyote, poisoned by a capsule, he decides to take his head and make a crown out of it. Then, suddenly, the teeth of the coyote head start glowing and gas starts rising in the valley.

Based on a text by Richard Brautigan, this very low key animation drawn on a blackboard, reflects on the relationship between animals and humans, but also humans and other humans. Why should any creature be killed with poison for an apparent crime it committed?

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